Integrated healing blends together the tools and techniques of several cognitive therapies to find a QUICK, EFFECTIVE and PERMANENT solution to challenges and chronic health issues including psychosomatic disorders.
It integrates NLP, Hypnosis, Gestalt, CBT, REBT, NirmitiNidra, EFT, EET supplemented where required by tailor-made pre-recorded guided meditations, age regression, past life regression, hoʻoponopono, coaching and counselling.

Re-design Your Life
Unlock and Maximize Your Potential by….
Improving relationships
Enhancing Confidence
Reducing Stress
Improving performance
Managing Anger
Enhancing Self-Esteem
Augmenting Self-Motivation
Asserting Self-Belief
Effecting Affirmations
Academic Excellence
Accelerated Studying
Overcoming anxiety
Improved Concentration
Greater Retention & Recall
Enhancing Skills
Attracting abundance
Positive Thinking
Exercise Motivation
Time Management
Pain Management
Memory enhancement
General Healing
Enthusiasm building
Dismissing Procrastination
Overcoming Stage Fright
Personality Development
Finding your life purpose
Tapping into Creativity
Displaying Assertiveness
Rapid Decision Making
Realizing your Dreams
And much more.. the above list is inclusive and not exhaustive!

Heal Yourself
Get started on the road to full recovery from…
High/Low Blood Pressure
Varicose Veins
Gastrointestinal problems
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Old traumas
Past Life traumas
Bed wetting
Compulsive lying
Compulsive stealing
Immunity problems
General Debility
Erectile Dysfunction
Hyper/Hypo thyroidism
Impotence (libido)
Performance anxiety
Nervous syndromes
Non-clinical depression
Psychosomatic diseases
And much more.. the above list is inclusive and not exhaustive!

Take Back Your Life
Banish Your Fears and Conquer Your Phobias….
Fear of success
Fear of failure
Fear of rejection
Fear of judgement
Fear of exposure
Fear of strangers
Fear of performance
Fear of responsibility
Fear of the unknown
Fear of death
Fear of flying
Fear of heights
Fear of public speaking
Fear of dirt and dust
Fear of animals
Fear of water
Fear of closed spaces
Fear of open spaces
Fear of intimacy
Fear of darkness
Fear of commitment
Fear of lizards
And much more.. the above list is inclusive and not exhaustive!
Hypnosis is a re-programming of the thought processes. It is accomplished by providing the atmosphere to move into subconscious awareness states such as alpha, theta and delta. The theory is that in these states, the mind is more suggestible so that suggestions are more likely to be accepted by the mind.
NLP is a behavioral model based on the idea of creating new, more helpful associations and alternatives for the client. It is non-hypnotic. The theory is that if one can form new associations to existing behavior, that behavior can be modified in a positive way.
Gestalt is a theory of mind and brain of the Berlin School; the operational principle of gestalt psychology is that the brain is holistic, parallel, and analog, with self-organizing tendencies. The principle maintains that the human eye sees objects in their entirety before perceiving their individual parts, suggesting the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFTs) are a form of counseling intervention that draws on various theories of alternative medicine including acupuncture, neuro-linguistic programming, energy medicine, and Thought Field Therapy. It is best known through Gary Craig's EFT Handbook, published in the late 1990s.
Past life regression (PLR) is a process of retrieving purported memories of alleged previous lives, either as a hypnotic process or in the space of deep meditation. One of PLR's leading advocates is Dr. Brian L. Weiss M.D. It is irrelevant whether or not the client or practitioner believes in reincarnation, Integrated Healing is concerned only to the extent it improves the present life of the client.
Hoʻoponopono is an ancient Hawaiian practice which was performed on islands throughout the South Pacific, including Samoa, Tahiti and New Zealand. Traditionally hoʻoponopono is practiced by healing priests or kahuna lapaʻau among family members of a person who is unwell. Modern versions are performed within the family by a family elder, or by the individual alone.
Nirmiti Nidra is a simple, easy and effortless technique to access and program your subconscious mind (30,000 times more powerful than your conscious mind) which can be practiced almost any time during the day for about 5-20 minutes each day. It is not a religion, cult, philosophy or lifestyle, neither does it require any advanced study, nor does it involve mantras, chants, music, breathing techniques or any external support. It enhances right-brain or creative abilities and reduces levels of anxiety, anger and frustration and increases self-confidence and self-esteem.
Guidance and Counseling is defined as a planned and organized work aimed at assisting the client to understand himself and his abilities and develop his potentialities in order to solve his problems and achieve psychological, social, educational and professional compatibility, and also to achieve his objectives within the framework of Islamic teachings. Guidance and Counseling complement each other though there are some differences.
Coaching is a training or development process via which an individual is supported while achieving a specific personal or professional competence result or goal. The life coaching process addresses the client’s specific projects, business successes, general conditions and transitions in the client's personal life, relationships or profession by examining what is going on right now, discovering what his perceived obstacles or challenges might be, and helping the client choose a course of action to overcome challenges, accept situations and attain goals. These services are not licensed by the state and do not include the practice of medicine or psychiatry or clinical psychology or psychotherapy, which are the purview of licenced physicians.