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Nirmiti Nidra is a simple, easy and effortless technique which can be practiced almost any time during the day for about 15-20 minutes each day.
It is not a religion, cult, philosophy or lifestyle, neither does it require any advanced study.
It is an adaptation and enhancement of a time-tested technique to manage stress, increase concentration, improve EQ and regain homeostasis, combines 8 out of the top 10 stress relievers. It goes beyond normal relaxation techniques and has multiple advantages and other sub-techniques that can be combine NLP, Silva UltraMind, Self-Hypnosis, and traditional meditation techniques
Just 15-20 minutes a day is all you need!
Reduce your sleep requirement and yet be more energetic and productive!
Connect with your innermost self and begin your spiritual journey!
Deepest state of relaxation!
Learn the Theory of Mind.
Enhance your Problem-solving abilities!
Increase your self-confidence and self-esteem!
Improve your EQ!
Make your affirmations work faster for you!
Reduce anger, frustration, anxiety and other negative emotions!
Enhance creativity
Improve moods and working memory
Greater focus, concentration and awareness
Equipped to deal with stress
Enhances right-brain or creative abilities
Equips adolescents for the bigger challenges ahead.
Reduces levels of anxiety, anger and frustration

Sachin Bhat
This is an awesome one of a kind workshop, never been to one like this before. I love the scientific reasoning for a spiritual understanding. I have personally gained a direction and tool to enthusiastically chase my dreams and aspirations.
Ramesh Ramanujan, Madurai
I found Nirmiti Nidra Technique to be unique and at the same time very simple. Surely value for time and money spent. I have been to many workshops- quite a few on meditation, may are old wine in a new bottle marketed with a lot of hype as a revolutionary technique. I found Nirmiti Nidra to e a truly simple method which can be done any where in just 5 minutes
S Sudarshan
Powerful tools to lead your life by using thoughts and imagination. It will help individuals to control the way they think and apply themselves to any situation. Lateral thinking power by engaging the subconscious mind.
Program Your Mind, Re-create Your Life
What You Wil Take Back
How to Program Your Mind for success.
Mind-body-health connection
10 Laws of Affirmations / Auto-suggestions
How to destress at will anytime, anyplace
How to Control your thoughts
How to identify limiting thoughts / areas of improvement
Improve the immune system and rate of healing
Increase the thickness of the brain
How to study and retain information
Awareness and mindfulness
Deepest levels of relaxation / meditation - Theta level of Mind.
What You need To Get
Yourself in comfortable clothing – no dress codes!
Who Should Attend
Anybody over 16, interested in taking control of their own lives, de-stressing at will, achieving goals, relishing success, finding inner peace
1 day – typically 0900-1700 hrs.
About the Facilitator
Rajesh Seshadri
The trainer is an Internationally Certified Life Coach, Leadership Coach and Success Coach. He is also a Certified NLP Master Practitioner, Gestalt Practitioner, Silva Ultra Practitioner and Integrated Hypnotherapist. A member of premier organizations like APA, AUNLP and AAH in USA apart from being a Fellow Member of the ICAI, FCMA and a life member of AIMA, BMA, ISTD and IOD, He also continues to be a seasoned corporate professional having risen to the highest levels in a multi-national organization. Know more about him or contact him
Workshop Synopsis
Theory of Mind, Levels of Mind
Identifying Limiting Beliefs, Areas to work upon
10 Irrefutable Laws of the Subconscious Mind
Nirmiti NidraTM - the technique
Effective Affirmations, Auto-suggestions, Visualizations
Workshop Outline
Program your Mind to Succeed
Heal yourself with your own mind power.
Understand how your brain works, learn the theory of mind and the mind-body connection.
Experience deepest levels of relaxation (theta) and accelerate spiritual growth.
Live healthy, weaken negative thoughts and strengthen positive thoughts.
Our subconscious mind comprises 88% of our total mind power. Learn how to tap into this phenomenal source of mind power easily, effortlessly, anyplace, anytime.
Master a technique to access your subconscious mind easily, effortlessly, anytime, anyplace.
Meditate at will, rejuvenate, energize, de-stress
Study with ease, retain more
Enhanced Problem-solving and Decision-making abilities
Increase concentration, creativity, EQ
Improve self-confidence and self-awareness
Ensure your positive affirmations are effective.
Reduce anger, frustration, anxiety and depression
Experience the Deepest Levels of Relaxation
Boost self-confidence and self-esteem
Be more energetic and heal yourself
De-stress at will anywhere, anytime
Ideal for -
Students—Class VIII onward
Young Adults
Corporate Professionals
Spiritual Seekers
Mind-power Students
New Age Thinkers
Learn to –
1. Program your mind to succeed and overcome limiting beliefs
2. Heal yourself with your own Mind Power
3. Understand how your mind works, learn the theory of mind and the mind-body connection
4. Experience deepest levels of relaxation (theta) and accelerate spiritual growth.
5. Live healthy, weaken negative thoughts and strengthen positive thoughts.
Unleash Your Power, Program Your Mind, Unlock Your Potential
• Master a technique to access your subconscious mind easily, effortlessly, anytime, anyplace.
• Meditate at will, rejuvenate, energize, de-stress
• Study with ease, retain more
• Enhanced Problem-solving and Decision-making abilities
• Increase concentration, creativity, EQ
• Improve self-confidence and self-awareness
• Ensure your positive affirmations are effective.
• Reduce anger, frustration, anxiety and depression
• Experience the Deepest Levels of Relaxation
• Boost self-confidence and self-esteem
Our subconscious mind comprises 88% of our total mind power. Learn how to tap into this phenomenal source of mind power easily, effortlessly, anyplace, anytime.
30 Benefits from One Workshop! In one day, you will learn -
1. How to Program Your Mind for Success
2. How to Control your thoughts and emotions
3. Positive thinking - how to deal with Negative Thoughts
4. Levels of Mind, Theory of Mind
5. 10 Irrefutable Laws of Affirmations
6. Auto-suggestions
7. Self-hypnosis
8. How to de-stress at will
9. How to identify areas of improvement
10. Autonomic Nervous System
11. Improved mood through release of neurotransmitters
12. How to lower blood pressure
13. Mitigate the risk of atherosclerosis
14. How to slow down ageing
15. How to reduce anxiety, emotional unrest and depression
16. To improve the immune system and rate of healing
17. Increase the thickness of the brain
18. How to study and retain information
19. Greater effectiveness
20. To enhance creativity
21. Higher level of concentration
22. Better understanding of limiting thoughts
23. Increased intuitiveness
24. More awareness and mindfulness
25. To use the inner senses
26. To connect with your higher self
27. To accelerate your spiritual growth
28. Psychosomatic causes of physical illnesses
29. Focus and attention effortlessly
30. How to Attain Deepest levels of relaxation.

J.Pramod, Bengaluru
It is Simple,Practical and easy to use. It can be Life Changing!
Smriti Sen
I would strongly recommend this workshop for its subject, content and personal growth. I got a direction, means and tools to enrich my life.
Jitendra Nayak,Mumbai
I never knew that getting in touch with the subconscious mind was so easy and unleashing it's power was even simpler!