Why would a person commit a moral blunder and then be so stupid as to repeat it daily? The reason is because he or she doesn't believe it matters.
Our regular actions don't seem so significant on their own. Typically, a small error, a bad choice, or a squandered hour don't have an immediate, observable consequence. We frequently avoid facing any direct repercussions of our actions.
Failure is not a singular, devastating occurrence. We don't fall apart suddenly. Failure is a natural outcome of a series of bad decisions and bad thinking. Failure is really a few poor decisions made repeatedly every day, to put it another way.
This lack of discipline does not seem to have any immediate effects on our life if we have not bothered to read even one book in the previous 90 days. After the first 90 days, nothing significant happened to us, so we repeat this poor decision-making for another 90 days, and so on. It doesn't appear to matter, therefore. The serious risk is present right here. Not even comprehending that it matters is much worse than not reading the books, in my opinion.
Consuming excessive amounts of the wrong foods might lead to health issues in the future, yet the pleasure of the now often outweighs this risk. Nothing seems to matter. It doesn't seem to matter to those who smoke excessively or binge drink; they continue to make these bad decisions year after year after year. But these mistakes in judgement have just postponed the agony and regret for a later date. Consequences are rarely immediate; instead, they build up until the inevitable day of reckoning eventually arrives and we are forced to pay for our bad decisions—decisions that initially seemed to have no impact.
Diabetics fail to focus on their diet, read up on the wealth of material that is now so easily available on the internet and instead prefer to continue with their current eating and sedentary habits – as long as they have their medications on hand. Because it does not seem to matter in the short run.
The human mind is far more creative with excuses to justify the extant state of affairs than to set upon altering them. Whether one is a couch potato or a workaholic, there is always an excuse.
Failure's subtlety is its most hazardous quality. These minor mistakes don't seem to have an immediate impact. It appears that we are succeeding. These cumulative mistakes in judgement can happen even during times of high happiness and success. We merely float from day to day, repeating mistakes, having incorrect thoughts, listening to incorrect voices, and making incorrect decisions because nothing horrible occurs to us and because there are no immediate repercussions to focus our attention. in on us yesterday, therefore the behaviour was probably not harmful. It is probably safe to repeat because it didn't appear to have any discernible effects.
We surely would have taken prompt action to ensure that the act would never be repeated if, at the end of the day, the sky had crashed in on us when we committed our first error in judgement. We would have experienced our mistake instantly, just like the kid who ignores his parents' cautions and puts his hand on a hot burner.
Unfortunately, unlike our parents, failure does not yell out its warnings. To be able to make wiser decisions, it is essential to develop our philosophy. With a strong, personal worldview directing our every action, we become more conscious of our mistakes and more conscious that each mistake actually does matter.
Now for the exciting news. The formula for success is simple to follow and consists of a few daily practises of a few basic disciplines, just like the formula for failure.
Here's a thought-provoking query: How can we transform the mistakes in the formula for failure into the disciplines necessary in the formula for success? Making the future a key component of our existing mindset is the solution.
Both success and failure have after-effects that will happen in the future, such as rewards or regrets that are bound to happen as a result of past actions. If this is the case, why don't more individuals stop and think about what lies ahead? Simple: They seem to be so preoccupied with the here and now that it doesn't seem to matter.
Some people are so consumed with the issues and benefits of today that they never take the time to consider what will happen tomorrow. But what if we did establish a new discipline to set aside some time each day to consider the future? The results of our present behaviour would then be predictable to us. With that important knowledge in hand, we could make the required changes to our failings to create new, success-oriented practises. In other words, we would be able to alter our thinking, correct our mistakes, and create new habits to take the place of the old if we disciplined ourselves to see the future in advance.
The fact that the benefits are nearly instantaneous makes the success formula—a few straightforward disciplines practised every day—exciting. We see positive outcomes very quickly as we consciously transform everyday mistakes into daily disciplines. Our health significantly improves when we change our diet in just a few weeks. We almost instantly experience a fresh vigour when we begin exercising. When we start reading, we feel our awareness expanding and our self-confidence rising. Any new discipline we start using every day will have exciting effects that will encourage us to get even better at creating new disciplines.
The underlying allure of new disciplines is their ability to alter our way of thinking. Today would be the first day of a new life leading to a better future if we were to begin reading the books, keeping a journal, attending the classes, listening more, and observing more. We would never again accept a life of existence once we had tasted the rewards of a life of substance if we were to start trying harder and, in every manner, make a conscious and persistent effort to turn subtle and deadly faults into constructive and gratifying practises.