To help people unlock their true potential and live rich, fulfilled lives in a holistic manner!

The Coach
Certified Leadership Coach (http://goo.gl/4LxdMj) conferred by Certified Coaches Alliance (CCA) & recognized by ICF (International Coach Federation).
Certified Success Coach
Certified Life Coach.
Certified Integrated Clinical Hypnotherapist
Certified NLP Master Practitioner
Certified Gestalt Practitioner
Founder of NirmitiNidra
Over 26 years of experience across different industries
Over 10 years of experience at the C Suite level.

The Need
Every single person can benefit from Coaching!
Imagine a sports team or an Olympic athlete without a coach.
Why shouldn't your life be treated with the same care and respect as a sport or competition?
Isn't your life worth MORE than any sport or activity?
Your life DESERVES that you give it that much attention and respect.
Most people that seek personal coaching are actually successful in many areas of their life.
They seek personal coaching to balance everything together and achieve a higher level of success.
A coach is a partner who has a vested interest in YOUR success!